The Clark County (Nev.) school system, the nation's fifth largest, has welcomed more than 314,000 students back to classes in its 342 schools. The district opened 11 new buildings on Monday. Still, the district projects that 39 of its 206 elementary schools will be 15 percent or more over capacity. Eight of the district's 44 high schools are expected to be 15 percent or more over capacity.
Click here to read The Las Vegas Review-Journal article.
EARLIER: In January 2006, principal Betty Roqueni was told that William V. Wright Elementary, her new school in the Clark County (Nev.) district, would open that August with 534 students. On opening day, more than 1,200 students showed up. When the year ended last week for the year-round campus, the school had 1,600 students. In Clark County, the nation's fifth-largest school district, a new campus can be over capacity even before the first pair of sneakers scuffs into a classroom.
Click here to read The Las Vegas Sun article.