High school student's suspension upheld after video mocking teacher appears on the Internet

May 23, 2007
Judge says punishment of inappropriate conduct does not violate student's free speech rights.

A federal judge won't end the suspension of a senior at Kentridge High School in Kent, Wash., who is being punished for allegedly producing a video that pokes fun at a teacher and was posted on YouTube. Gregory Requa, 18, received a 40-day suspension, but has denied involvement in the secretly recorded video. It included shots of a student dancing behind the back of the teacher, making exaggerated pelvic thrusts. Officials with the Kent district say the suspension has nothing to do with online criticism of the teacher. Rather, it was punishment for the conduct of the students in sneaking a video camera into the class and dancing in a mocking, disrespectful manner that amounted to sexual harassment.

Click here to read The Seattle Post-Intelligencer article.

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