
Maryland governor seeks $370 million for school construction

Plan would create 11,650 construction jobs, governor says
Jan. 13, 2012

From The Baltimore Sun: Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley will seek more than $370 million in school construction funding in next year's budget. The figure includes $350 million for the state's main Public School Construction Program and more than $20 million for two other programs to build and repair schools.

Related: Baltimore County, Md., Executive Kevin Kamenetz is asking state lawmakers to spend $70 million on school construction and renovations throughout the county, saying such projects are his top priority in lean budget times. The county executive, who addressed the county's state lawmakers in Annapolis Tuesday morning, also wants to consolidate some of the county's school and county government functions, such as information technology, nonclassroom purchasing and benefits administration. ( The Baltimore Sun )

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