Michigan governor signs bill removing cap on charter schools
From The Detroit News: Public universities in Michigan will be able to authorize an unlimited number of charter schools by 2015 under legislation signed by Gov. Rick Snyder. The state has 255 charter schools and new ones are allowed to open under certain circumstances. But the state has a limit of 150 charter schools authorized by public universities. The cap will be raised to 300 in 2012 and 500 through 2014 before being eliminated in 2015. Critics say the move will hurt traditional public school districts. They charge that the new law doesn't require enough oversight of charter schools.
From The Detroit Free Press: The Michigan Legislature has given final approval to a measure that removes limits on the number and location of charter schools in the state. The changes would open the door to creating a virtually unlimited number of new charters, but also add requirements for more transparency in charter school operations and scrutiny of operators' past performance. Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to sign the bill.