Teachers in Kent (Wash.) district end strike

Sept. 14, 2009
Students are scheduled to start classes Tuesday

UPDATE: Teachers have voted overwhelmingly to accept a contract agreement. (Seattle Times)

From The Seattle Times: The Kent (Wash.) teachers union has reached a tentative agreement to end its strike, and students could be back in class Tuesday if the deal is approved. Teachers are facing $200-a-day fines if they refuse to return to work. details of the settlement offer have not been disclosed publicly.

Earlier...from The Seattle Times: Striking teachers in the Kent (Wash.) School District have voted to continue their strike, defying a court order that they report to their classrooms today.

Earlier...from The Seattle Times: The Kent (Wash.) School District says it will seek a court injunction to force its 1,700 striking teachers back to work. Superintendent Edward Vargas contends that the teachers' week-old strike is illegal. Classes in the district had been scheduled to start Monday.

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