California district may lose funding after misuse of food aid is discovered

Oct. 19, 2011
State says Baldwin Park is accusing of misspending $1.5 million

From California Watch: The Baldwin Park (Calif.) Unified School District, accused of misspending $1.5 million in federal meal money for needy students, will meet with state administrators to try to stave off harsh penalties and a possible lawsuit. The state education department has withheld the district's federal food money and is threatening to permanently cut funding to the district unless Baldwin Park repays the $1.5 million. The state levied the sanctions after it found that the district, used millions in food money from 2004 to 2008 to pay for banking fees and cleaning supplies. The Baldwin Park district, near Los Angeles, serves 20,379 students and has 13 elementary schools, four junior high schools and three high schools.

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