Big and Getting Bigger in Wake County, N.C.
Six years ago, the Wake County school district surpassed Charlotte-Mecklenburg and became the largest system in North Carolina. Now with about 150,000 students, the Wake County district has seen steady growth for at least 25 years, and the numbers are expected to continue to climb.
The district projects it will have 8,158 additional elementary students by 2017 and 11,740 additional middle and high school students by 2018. To provide more facilities for those additional students, the district is asking voters in October to approve an $810 million bond request.
Those funds, combined with about $130 million in already available money, would enable Wake County to build 16 schools—12 elementary, three middle and two high. Six existing campuses would undergo major renovation or expansion, and work would start on three other major renovations.
In addition, the bond proceeds would pay for roofing and HVAC upgrades, technology improvements, security enhancements and land purchases.