Schoolhouse Beat

Philadelphia will overhaul 9 schools for 2013-14

3 will be converted to charters, and 6 will become part of the district's Promise Academies program.

Three more low-performing public schools in Philadelphia will be given to charter school operators in the fall, and six more will be overhauled under school district management. The Philadelphia Inquirer says that Alcorn Elementary, Kenderton Elementary, and Pastorius Elementary will become Renaissance charter schools. Barry, Bryant and McMichael and Cayuga elementary schools, and Edison and Strawberry Mansion high schools will become Promise Academies. They will get longer school days and some extra resources, and must replace at least half their teaching staffs. Philadelphia Federation of Teachers president Jerry Jordan blasted the move to more Renaissance schools, accusing the district of pursuing a pro-charter agenda and abandoning schools it had neglected for years.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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