About 850 teachers and staff members at Chicago public schools slated for closure or overhaul have received layoff notices. The Chicago Sun-Times says that at the 48 closing schools, 420 teachers lost their jobs, as well as 110 paraprofessionals and 133 bus aides and part-timers. At the five schools headed for “turnaround,” where the students continue to attend classes in the building but all the adults are replaced, 192 staffers were laid off: 125 teachers, 20 paraprofessionals, 20 bus aides and part-timers and 27 clerks, custodians and security staffers. The laid-off teachers did not have either tenure or high-enough performance ratings to be considered for available jobs in the schools receiving transferred students.
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Mike Kennedy Blogger
Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.
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