Accessibility and ADA

Data on Disabled

Percentage of students ages 3 to 21 served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 2006-07 All disabilities 13.50% Specific learning
Oct. 1, 2008

Percentage of students ages 3 to 21 served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 2006-07

All disabilities 13.50% Specific learning disability 5.40% Speech or language impairment 3.00% Mental retardation 1.10% Emotional disturbance 0.90% Hearing impairment 0.20% Orthopedic impairment 0.10% Other health impairment 1.20% Multiple disabilities 0.30% Autism 0.50% Traumatic brain injury 0.10% Developmental delay 0.70% Source: National Center for Education Statistics, “The Condition of Education 2008”
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